Jenniferk988 “Also Mary Magdalene was a repentant prostitute…”

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Jenniferk988: “Also Mary Magdalene was a repentant prostitute, sort your name out!!

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ME:What are you talking about? I am the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene. I know what is what. How would you know what is what? You don’t. You weren’t there. I was in a past life. Also it never was stated in a bible that I was a repentant prostitute.

Educate yourself. Here is a source. …. Stop spreading ignorance and misinformation on me. I have a great tip for you. Get yourself sorted out, sweetie. Good day.”

The #Reincarnation of Mary Magdalene

Christ…how do I say this? Okay. I’ll just spit it out like ripping a band-aid off your skin. I’m the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene hence “the modern day Mary Magdalene.”  I know. It’s hard to believe. Some of you are probably going “This chick has cracked.” Well, that comes with the territory, unfortunately. But, what I’m gonna do? Just have lived out this life & prosper some more despite the skeptics & the haters out there.

How do I know I’m Mary Magdalene? I’ve been getting messages & visions, tiny precognitive dreams from my subconscious self & angels in my sleep that confirm I was Mary Magdalene. They’ve been trying to motivate me into awakening myself again in order to complete my mission & messages in this life. I do appreciate them trying to motivate me, but the only being that can help me is Jesus.

1. The 7 demons that were mentioned in the bible were actually 7 ailments. The demons were not literal. I was mentally & physically ill for a while because they didn’t have medicines/cures to cure my sick self. Once Jesus cured me I began preaching the message & truth to whoever wanted to listen. I was with him most of the time to help with his sermons.  Sadly I’m suffering from ailments in this life. Jesus has been working on reawakening himself again to heal me. It’s a grueling process. Hopefully, I’ll be cured soon. I have to take some medicine to ward off constant anxiety. He preaches still, but it’s online through his Xbox.

2. Jesus & I did get married back then. All those rumors aren’t rumors at all. It wasn’t & it isn’t a taboo that Jesus had a wife. It’s a beautiful thing. Why should Jesus go through life without his soulmate? Jesus has a soul & every soul has a soulmate. I, the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene, is Jesus’s soulmate. We’ve loved each other fiercely.

3. Did we have a baby? I’m not sure yet because I haven’t gotten all my memories from my past life. Neither does Jesus.I’ll update you all once I have the answer.

4. Was I a prostitute? Nope. I wasn’t in my past life as Mary Magdalene. The rumors are false. I really wish people would stop spreading misinformation about my status.

5. What’s my mission in this life? To reawaken me. Jesus hasn’t told me everything about my mission because he wants me to find out for myself. My lack of motivation is preventing me from completing my mission. This is one reason why he needs to re-awaking himself first again in this lifetime to cure me of my ailments. The ball is in his court now.

-Modern-day Mary Magdalene

Winter Lovers

As faith would have it I met my guy in September. It was love at first sight for Him. It wasn’t for me. I was with another man who I only started seeing a couple of weeks ( Friday, 9/5/03) before this event. He was with his girlfriend of 10 years at the time. He couldn’t believe it was me. His bride. Then he thought his feelings for me was just temporary since it has happened to him in the past with a couple of girls. He tested his feelings for me by not seeing me at all but, his love grew stronger and it just wouldn’t go away. A dramatic event (Divine Intervention) occurred on 11/17/03 which ended both of our relationships. Long story short. I got into a minor car accident which caused a series of events leading to our break-ups that same night. Perhaps one day there will be a video about that whole event and why the minor car accident caused both relationships to end. My relationship ended 8 hours before his relationship. My guy knew I was his true love since his feelings grew stronger by the minute and when he first put his arm around my shoulder on the night of 11/17/03 right after the bad event there was a strong connection. After both our relationships had ended we started spending time with each other. Another major event (Divine Intervention) caused him to ask me out. We been together since the wee hours of the morning of December, 21, 2003.


This is the main page of the reincarnated Mary Magdalene. The truth, love, and innocence are included. The description will be updated accordingly.

Old Post: Reunited Again at Last

DATE: Possibly March/19/2014

Originally titled: “My Story So Far”


Where to start? Hmm? If I were a reader/believer/skeptic what would I want to know about the host/hostess?

Before I met my guy I was just a naive young lady who didn’t know the truth and who was really rough around the edges. I went out with the wrong crowd. Got into trouble. Got stupid drunk a lot. Smoked cigarettes & some pot. Was promiscuous. Rebelled against authoritative figures in my life(I still do. I am very stubborn and speak my mind). I didn’t have a care in the world. Now the path I was leading to was a dead end. I would have died if I kept on carrying on the way I did.

As faith would have it I met my guy in September. It was love at first sight for Him. It wasn’t for me. I was with another man whom I only started seeing a couple of weeks (Friday, 9/5/03) before this event. My soulmate was with his girlfriend of 10 years at the time. He couldn’t believe it was me. His bride. He had his hand over his face and he had this big smile on his face. I thought he was laughing at me at the time, but he wasn’t.  He was shocked & surprised because we finally got reunited again. He then went to the bathroom and started psyching out about me and questioning if I was his bride. He couldn’t believe it at all.

Then he had doubt about his feelings, & thought his feelings for me was just temporary since it has happened to him in the past with a couple of girls. He tested his feelings for me by not seeing me at all but, his love grew stronger the next month &a half, and it just wouldn’t go away. He had finally realized I was the real deal. My guy knew I was his true love since his feelings grew stronger by the minute.

A dramatic event (Divine Intervention) occurred on 11/17/03 which ended both of our relationships. Long story short. I got into a minor car accident which caused a series of events leading to our break-ups that same night. Perhaps one day there will be a video about that whole event and why the minor car accident caused both relationships to end. My relationship ended 8 hours before his relationship did.

When he first put his arm around my shoulder on the night of 11/17/03 right after the bad event there was a strong connection. He felt like his arm was supposed to be there. Those were his words. Not mine. I was too obvious to notice & was worried about being in severe trouble because of the minor car accident.

After both our relationships had ended we started spending time with each other for about 1 month. Another major event (Divine Intervention) caused him to ask me out. We been together since the wee hours of the morning of December, 21, 2003.

Now how did I come to the conclusion about being an angel? When my guy had his born again back in 1989 he was told who he was by the spirit and because of his love for me. Since I am his true love, and his love for me is as stronger than anything in the whole universe I am the obviously his other half.

Another reason is because around the night(perhaps it was the same night) of his born again I had an unpleasant divine experience when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I’ve experienced my own spiritual crucifixion in a different sense as well in bed by some unknown force. I was pinned down to my bed in the dark while my siblings were sleeping in the same room, & was forced to fall asleep for some odd reason. There was no pain at all thankfully. It did scar me & because it was a frightening experience. Ever since that event I had dreams about it for a couple of years, but I stopped dreaming about it when I grew older.  I guess I eventually got over it. I also stopped thinking about it and moved on until around 2009 when had I realized my experience could be connected to my soulmate’s born again.

Now was it a bad dream? No, considering who I am and what happened in my young life. Obviously his born again caused that phenomenon if you really think about it. When he awakening. a part of me was crucified too since I am soul mate. Too bad I had to experience that at such a young age.

  • June/23/2017  – Now you may think this is a happy ending, but it’s not by a long shot now. I just wish I could wake up to easily by snapping my fingers, because if it was possible this way, I would do it in 1 millisecond! I hope I’ll be able to overcome my ailments by having my born-again, because I’m quite tired of not feeling love & emotionally detached from everyone due to my depersonalization/derealization disorder. My disorder pretty much has made my relationship a living hell for the past 13 years & it’s getting worse by the year. I feel like my life is mirroring Mary Magdalene’s life. She had 7 demons & Jesus was able to cure her of her ailments. I have my inner demons & ailments, & I really wish my companion could just reawaken himself again so he could help me.